EVs and Renting: How both have the hots in the EV Industry

DbyT Dynamics
3 min readSep 6, 2021

EVs have established themselves in the automobile industry; and for all the superlative reasons. An Electric Vehicle (abbreviated to EV) is propelled by electricity which can be replenished, in contrast to petroleum and its derivatives which are exhaustible, and take hundreds of millions of years to replenish. In addition to that fossil fuels release tremendously obnoxious pollutants into the atmosphere if used overwhelmingly. Now here EVs play a significant role because they aren’t fuelled by any hydrocarbon derivative, no combustion is required and by extension, carbon footprint is attenuated. The list of advantages does not end here.

Consider the following situation: One wishes to enhance their fleet by employing Electric Vehicles. They invest on purchasing the automobiles, and the fleet is consolidated and ready to hit the streets. Eventually the responsibility of maintenance hangs like a dagger above them and albeit spending a munificent amount of money already in buying the conveyances, this new call must be answered judiciously. Nevertheless, investments are reinforced, maintenance costs are dusted and the business is advancing; until the requirement of complementary goods turns up. For delivery purposes, it is incumbent for an individual to carry cold-storage equipment, especially when the goods in demand are meat, dairy supplements, pharmaceutical products and many more. Purchasing the cold storage boxes is just the tip of the iceberg; EV industries are advancing at a phenomenal rate owing to technological enhancements, and there is a fair possibility of the current vehicles to go obsolete. This will establish that perhaps, buying a commodity is not always the optimal solution.

The aforementioned situation can be pretty difficult to face. Here’s where the concept of EV rentals comes into the equation. If one rents the EV instead, it is likely they will not collapse under the perpetually surmounting boulder of expenditures. For instance, the owner will assume full responsibility of ensuring that the vehicle stays updated and lack of maintenance does not impede the vehicular performance, thus exempting an individual from incurring redundant expenses. If the number of goods to be delivered is large, then instead of purchasing various two-wheelers and employing various drivers, one can easily go ahead and rent a three-wheeler commodity which provides more storage. As far as the complementary equipment is concerned, the maintenance and replacement of these (should they not function properly) will be undertaken by the owner of the vehicle.

Comprehensively, every method that is employed by everybody might not yield the best results. Everything converges to how wallet-friendly the plan of action turns out to be, because if the expenditure is exceeding on account of something as trivial and evitable as maintenance and supplements, then the model under operation requires reorientation.

If you’re looking for an Electric Vehicle company in India which has a consolidated approach to the aforementioned issue, you must get acquainted with DbyT Dynamics. We make it a point to do rigorous inspections of our vehicles to ensure that they are free of encumbrances caused by poor performance or lack of maintenance, therefore saving customers money on upkeep. Furthermore, we give access to a variety of facilities that would not have been supplied as a complementary service otherwise, and acquiring them would have increased the total price. We supply required accessories here, such as a delivery bag for two-wheelers (E-bike and E-scooter) and a cold-storage box for three-wheelers. Our fleet now consists of two- and three-wheelers, and we are constantly attempting to diversify it.

The items are transported from the hands of suppliers to the hands of customers via a trusted intermediary. We provide a genuine and trustworthy service that connects the market’s two main stakeholders, and a steadfast means to Add Smiles to Miles.



DbyT Dynamics

DbyT Dynamics is a Technology and Rental service company operating a fleet of light commercial electric vehicles.